Mass Times:

Saturday 5 p.m.

Sunday 7:30, 9:30 11:30 a.m.

Daily Mass  Tues-Fri 11:30 a.m.

705 Main St., Cedar Falls, Iowa

(319)  266-3523

Votive Candles

About our votive candles in the Chapel

A votive candle stand is in the chapel at St. Pat’s.  So, what is the purpose of votive candles in the Catholic church? 


In our Catholic tradition light has a special significance — Christ. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. No follower of mine shall ever walk in darkness; no, he shall possess the light of life” (John 8:12) and “I have come to the world as its light, to keep anyone who believes in me from remaining in the dark” (John 12:46).


Light is a symbol of faith, truth, wisdom, virtue, grace, the divine life, charity, the passion of prayer and the sacred presence which flows from Christ Himself. The light signifies our prayer offered in faith coming into the light of God. With the light of faith, we petition our Lord in prayer, or petition a saint to pray with us and for us to the Lord. The light also shows a special reverence and our desire to remain present to the Lord in prayer even after we depart from the church and go about our day. The burning candle symbolizes a sacrifice or burnt offering. In the Old Testament, things of value, usually sacrificed animals, would be burned and offered to God. The smoke was a symbol of the sacrifice of praise ascending to God.


Lighting a candle for someone is a way to extend your prayers and show solidarity with the person being prayed for. The faithful also light candles as a sign of gratitude to God for answered prayers.


Traditionally, these candles were made of beeswax, and there is a reason for this. Worker bees who gather nectar from flowers do not play a part in the reproduction of the species. Reproduction is left to the queen bee and drone bees. The virgin worker bees dedicate their lives to the creation of this wax and represent Our Lady, the virgin mother who gave birth to Christ.


Anytime you are in prayer in the chapel, before or after Mass, or during adoration consider lighting a candle to extend your prayers and show solidarity with the person you are praying for. A coin box is located on the front of the votive stand. Donations help offset the cost of the candles.

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