Mass Times:
Saturday 5 p.m.
Sunday 7:30, 9:30 11:30 a.m.
Daily Mass Tues-Fri 11:30 a.m.
705 Main St., Cedar Falls, Iowa
(319) 266-3523
The purpose of the Parish Life Committee is to build community through parish social events and opportunities to support one another. One of its primary goals is to provide a welcoming environment for all.
We are always in need of enthusiastic parishioners who would like to help renew and organize activities as part of the Parish Life Committee.
We currently are in need of someone to chair the Parish Life Committee!
If you are interested in getting involved or have suggestions for new events or for renewing activities that were put on hold during the pandemic, please contact our marketing and publicity coordinator, Joe Gardyasz, at or by calling him at the church office, 319 266-3523.
Separate groups that fall under Parish Life include:
Events include our Fall Festival held each October. Serving on this committees is a great way to meet your fellow parishioners. There are many ways to become involved, whether you wish to help plan the activity, donate something, or assist the day of the event.
Support for each other includes our Prayer Chain, Prayer Shawl Ministry, donation of food and assistance with funeral dinners, and our Grief Support Ministry.
Other Parish Life volunteer opportunities are available to help our office and facilities run smoothly. We can use volunteers to help out in the Parish Office, people to assist with mailings during office hours, and helpers with skills to assist with facilities maintenance.
Visit with your fellow parishioners in the Commons after most Sunday 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. Masses.
To help with coffee and donuts, give us a call.
New here? Here's how to get to Coffee and Donuts.
Use the church exit next to the organ, take the stairs or elevator down to the first level, and follow the signs to the Gym/Commons.
Once a quarter, our Welcoming Committee will be there with registration forms and information bags for prospective or new parishioners.
All are welcome any time!
Your free will donations help cover the cost of Coffee and Donuts.