Mass Times:
Saturday 5 p.m.
Sunday 7:30, 9:30 11:30 a.m.
Daily Mass Tues-Fri 11:30 a.m.
705 Main St., Cedar Falls, Iowa
(319) 266-3523
If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith or are considering joining the Catholic Church, contact Deacon Al Weber in the parish office at 266-3523 or email him for more information.
The next Catholic Faith for Adults (CFFA) series will begin in January 2025. Sessions are held after 9:30 AM Sunday Masses
(about 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) Those wishing to join the church may do so at the Easter Vigil.
The classes will be held on January 5, 19, 26; February 9, 16; March 9, 30; April 13.
To register for the next series, fill out this short information form and return it to the St. Patrick Parish Office, 705 Main St. Cedar Falls, IA 50613 or email it to
What is Catholic Faith for Adults? CFFA is two things at once: an opportunity for parishioners to review and discuss the main teachings of their faith and an opportunity for those who are interested in joining the church to learn the basics. By combining these two purposes we hope to create a learning community which will be a source of witness and support for all but especially for those who are inquiring about the faith or intending to join. Meeting together provides a great introduction to the faith community and an opportunity for long-time Catholics to refresh and renew their faith. Since this is a different approach, we are not calling the program RCIA but simply Catholic Faith for Adults.
How does the series work? Sessions are in the church basement (“wooden gym” or “Youth Center”). Presenters are members of our Adult Faith Formation Committee. Sessions include informal discussion, witness, prayer, teaching, and refreshments. We use a synopsis of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, called the Compendium, as our main resource. You may pick a book up in the Parish Office or at class.
Catholics may come to any or all sessions. Inquirers and candidates for joining the church are asked to come to all. Afterwards, those already baptized in another Christian tradition may choose to make a Profession of Faith, be confirmed, and receive their first Eucharist. These will not have to wait until Holy Saturday.