Mass Times:
Saturday 5 p.m.
Sunday 7:30, 9:30 11:30 a.m.
Daily Mass Tues-Fri 11:30 a.m.
705 Main St., Cedar Falls, Iowa
(319) 266-3523
Click on the button to register!
NCYC is for current 8-11th grade youth. The National Catholic Youth Conference will be held November 20-22, 2025, in Indianapolis, IN. Youth will miss 2 days of school.
NCYC is a biannual event that gathers 20,000 high school youth from across the nation. Youth come to NCYC to experience the Church like never before. If they have questions or want to know Christ on a completely different level, NCYC offers that opportunity.
Youth will hear speakers, pray, learn, celebrate, and grow in community. God doesn’t want us to know Him only on our own. He gives us a bigger community, the young Church, to truly know Him and experience His greatness.
Register no later than 1/22/25.
Cost includes: conference fee, charter bus service, 3 nights hotel stay, 2 t-shirts, trade items, two meals, and snacks.
More information is available on the NCYC national website: