Mass Times:

Saturday 5 p.m.

Sunday 7:30, 9:30 11:30 a.m.

Daily Mass  Tues-Fri 11:30 a.m.

705 Main St., Cedar Falls, Iowa

(319)  266-3523

Support Us

Support Us

Give online today! 

How our online system works:

  1. Use the  Click to Give button.

   2. Select the donation or payment you'd like to make using the "Fund" menu.

    3. Enter your payment information (credit card, debit card, bank account, PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay or Venmo).

Please note: Apple Pay is only visible when using an Apple device or the Safari web browser. Also, Apple Pay cannot be used for recurring gifts.

Venmo also cannot be used for recurring gifts. Venmo is only visible on iPhone/iOS Mobile phones using the Safari browser, and on Android phones using the Chrome browser.

Click to Give

What can I use the online system for?

  • To make a recurring or a one-time DONATION for Sunday or other collections. Donating is simple, safe, and secure and takes less than five minutes! With online giving, it is so easy to change/add/delete payments as the need arises, and you can view your financial records for the year at any time.

  • To make PAYMENTS for event registrations, tickets, and other items.


Prefer Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) from your bank account? To sign up for our EFT program, please download and complete the EFT Donation Form. You are welcome to give this way if you already are or would like to sign up. We are not asking anyone to change. Online giving will just be another option for sharing your gifts.

Frequently Asked Questions About Online Giving

Q: Which payment methods are accepted?

A: Contributions from checking accounts, savings accounts, debit cards, and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express) are all accepted.

Q: Do parishioners receive receipts for their donations?

A: Yes, all contributors enrolled for online giving will receive receipts via e-mail.

Q: What if parishioners feel uncomfortable not having something to physically drop into the collection basket?

A: We provide printable donation slips that can be placed into the collection basket.

Q: What is WeShare?

A: WeShare is an online giving platform offered by LPI. For many years, LPI (Liturgical Publications Inc.) has been our trusted partner for bulletin publication. Recently we have been using LPI for our web site and now for our iPhone/Android app and WeShare. LPI works exclusively with Catholic Churches.

Q: Is WeShare safe?

A: Yes. We implement the safest security standards for online transactions and your privacy is protected at all times. We are certified with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) as a Level 1 Service Provider.

Q: What if I need help?

A: You are welcome to call the parish office for more information or assistance with set up when the program starts.

Don't need all of your annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)? 

Think about an IRA Rollover Gift! You may direct your gift—or portions of it— to the parish, St. Patrick School's annual appeal/Student Impact Fund, our Foundation for the Future Campaign, Fall Festival, and more. Let us know if you would like to help in one of these specific ways.

If you are 73 or older with an IRA, you are required to start taking a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). You have to take the distribution whether you need the money for living expenses or not. If you don’t need those proceeds to make financial ends meet, did you know you can gift those proceeds directly to Saint Patrick Parish or St. Patrick Catholic School?

By doing so you pay no income tax on the RMD. More importantly, by doing so you help continue the important spiritual work our parish or school strives to do each and every day. It is important to first contact your IRA administrator or Justin in the Parish Office to see how you can roll over into tax savings while helping support our spiritual mission. It's simple to do, but a specific process and certain forms must be used.

Gifts of Stock

Gifts of appreciated stocks and securities can often provide tax benefits to the giver along with a valuable donation. To ensure that we can acknowledge your gift for tax purposes and for help with the stock donation process, please contact Justin Krieger in the parish office.

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