Mass Times:

Saturday 5 p.m.

Sunday 7:30, 9:30 11:30 a.m.

Daily Mass  Tues-Fri 11:30 a.m.

705 Main St., Cedar Falls, Iowa

(319)  266-3523

Old St. Patrick School Memories

What was St. Patrick School like in the 1940s?

Funny you should ask ...

In 1950, a dozen 8th graders celebrated their graduation from St. Patrick School in Cedar Falls.  They were the last graduating class to experience the original two-story school house on Washington Street. 

Several years ago, two members of that class, Sonia Melichar Callahan and Carol Ceilly Norton, with help from family members who had also gone to St. Pat's School, wrote down their memories of the school. Carol, who is talented at drawing, sketched some hilarious illustrations to accompany this fun and engaging look at Catholic school life back in the 1940s.

They distributed it to some of the St. Patrick families who had grown up in the parish.  Fortunately for us, one of those classmates, parishioner Pat Vognsen, shared her booklet as we're expanding upon Saint Patrick's long history in the Cedar Valley. 

So strap into the Time Machine and enjoy a look back at some of the rituals, rascals and pranks, sounds and smells and stories from the "good 'ol days" at St. Patrick School and parish. 

Use the button on the right to download the PDF booklet

"Yes, S'ter; No S'ter" (Memories of Old St Pat's)



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