Mass Times:

Saturday 5 p.m.

Sunday 7:30, 9:30 11:30 a.m.

Daily Mass  Tues-Fri 11:30 a.m.

705 Main St., Cedar Falls, Iowa

(319)  266-3523

Advent Project

Poinsettia project

On Dec. 2 and 3, volunteers will be delivering poinsettias to parishioners who are homebound, in nursing homes, or who have lost a family member.  Donations are needed to help cover the cost of the poinsettias. Checks can be made out to St. Patrick Church. Be sure to put Poinsettias in the memo or designate Poinsettias with your online donation.

Volunteers are also needed to help deliver the poinsettias. To volunteer, contact Deacon Al.

Contact: Deacon Al Weber at (319) 266-3523 or

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